Do I Need Insurance?
Student Life Skills
4m 45s
In this video, you'll discover why insurance is crucial, even if it doesn't seem like a priority at first. You'll learn how having insurance can prevent you from facing significant expenses if things go wrong unexpectedly and understand that insurance is a choice that you need to consider carefully.
Up Next in Student Life Skills
Self Management
This video delves into the importance of self-management at university and how it affects different aspects of student life. By the end, you'll grasp the consequences of poor self-management, discover ways to improve your skills, and learn where to find help.
Managing Your Time
This video shares essential tips for balancing your university life effectively. By the end, you'll grasp the importance of managing your time, recognise the demands on your schedule, learn strategies to overcome procrastination, and discover where to find help when needed. Whether you're a new s...
The Cost Of Living In The UK
In this video, we delve into the expenses of living at a UK university, covering what you might need to budget for and how much you might spend on food and drink. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of the rough estimate of the cost of living in the UK, the reality of student jobs and ...